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1 September 2002 Kalchbrenneriella, A New Genus to Accommodate the Lichenicolous Hyphomycete Torula cyanescens
Paul Diederich
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The new genus Kachbrenneriella Diederich & M. S. Christ. is described to accommodate the lichenicolous hyphomycete Torula cyanescens Kalchbr., and the new combination K. cyanescens (Kalchbr.) Diederich & M. S. Christ. is proposed. As the type specimen is considered to be lost, a neotype is designated. The fungus forms a whitish tomentum on Usnea thalli, composed of erect conidiophores on which hyaline, catenate conidia develop, and is known from Europe, Canada, and Papua New Guinea.

Paul Diederich "Kalchbrenneriella, A New Genus to Accommodate the Lichenicolous Hyphomycete Torula cyanescens," The Bryologist 105(3), 411-414, (1 September 2002).[0411:KANGTA]2.0.CO;2
Received: 7 November 2001; Accepted: 1 April 2002; Published: 1 September 2002
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